среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

On the useful materials from the ' Library of the school '

Recently, they took me to read a newspaper on the branch ... 2010. (those numbers that were then in place). Newspapers came with neat bookmarks. I know that librarians are ... But the tab - it's what you need to re-read and use. So I decided to draw your attention, and that the selected children's librarian practices.

·. Dementieva A. Diary of a program ( BS, № 1 ). About the library program, ...

·. Kobzarenko A. , Dziuba N. The electronic catalog as a basis for the library information system ( BS, № 2). Me as a practitioner, calling for greater use of technology, such attention pleases.

·. New children's literature: what is it? .

·. Year of the Teacher. Year Soloveitchik. Tips of the newspaper ...

·. Glinkina E. Open the doors. WEB. 2. 0 ( BS, № 6). Hooray! .

·. E Makarova. As we read Gianni Rodari. Reading children's and Not Another Teen ( BS, № 8).

·. Andreeva M. Twenty questions about that war ( BS, № 9).

·. Kozlovskaya with. ... Conversations with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ( BS, № 9).

·. Salnikov E. The secret of immortality by Gianni Rodari ( BS, № 9).

·. Erkeva T. Reads the entire village ( BS, № 9).

·. Erkaeva T. Notes of a librarian ( BS, № 9).